After you log in to Seeems CMS you will be redirected to the BackOffice which looks like this:


Seeems BackOffice


There are no limitations when working with BackOffice and you can do all you want when you are using it.

Here is a short video how the BackOffice looks after login to the system:


When you are logged into the BackOffice there are different sections in the top main menu but the most important ones are:



You can click on the above links for more detailed information.

The Content section as the name itself says is responsible for the content. In Files section you will operate with the files and folder structure. The layout of the website is defined independently from the content that’s why there is a Layout section. Most of the time you are going to use and work on Content section. Layout section will be used for more advanced work.

For more detailed information and tutorials please go to BackOffice section in manuals.


Front Edit Panel


When you are logged in to the system and go to your website you will see the Front Edit Panel. The editing panel is in blue color and it’s located on the top of your website page.


Seeems Front Edit Panel 1


This is how the Front Edit Panel looks.


Seeems Front Edit Panel

The big advantage of FrontEnd Edit Panel is that you can do almost everything and work directly on your website interface. There are some limitations in comparison to BackOffice when trying to do more advanced and complicated operations but in general it will do most of the work for you when editing, moving or removing a content on the website.


Here is a short video how the FrontEnd Edit Panel looks like: