SEEEMS.CMS does not limit which file types you can upload to your website, but the server settings on your webserver does. These are set by your server provider and this is done for good reasons. Some file types like .exe or.dll can harm the server and your client's operating system if they download them.
The typical supported file types are:
- Documents: .txt .rtf .doc .ppt .xls .csv .pdf
- Archive: .vcf .zip .rar
- HTTP: .htm .html
- Images (for download): .gif .jpg .jpeg .png .bmp .tif .tiff .eps
- Videos: .swf .mov .qt .mpg .mpeg .avi .wmv .ram
- Sound: .mp3 .mp4 .wma .mid .midi .wav
If you experience an inability to upload specific file types, then please contact your server provider or SEEEMS and ask if the file type can be allowed on the webserver. This question can usually be answered in a matter of minutes.
Files naming
When naming your file documents for upload you should follow some specific conventions because otherwise you can experience troubles with them:
- Use only Latin letters a-z A-Z and numbers 0-9
- Avoid special language specific characters in filenames, like diphthongs, diacritical marks and currency symbols, for example, æøå áèü €§µ, as not all operating systems or browsers can read them properly. This depends on culture, country and language settings.
- Do not use ? & % # in filenames as they have specific programming significance and are used to enter code into the filename