Sometimes you need to make a comment in the code. Most of the time comments are used for better understanding of the code.

There are two options for comments - single line and multi-line.



Single-line comments


 Single line comments starts with double hashtag ## before the text and it will appear as a comment in the code.

 Any text between ## and the end of the line will be treated as a comment and will be not shown on the screen.


Single-line comment example

<p>Random text ABOVE the comment</p>
## This is comment and it can be seen ONLY in code
<p>Random text BELOW the comment</p>


The result on the screen is the following and as you can see the comment line is not visible:



Multi-line comments


Multi-line comments start with "#*" and end with "*#".

Any text between the #* and *# will be ignored by Velocity and not visible on the result screen.


<p>Random text ABOVE the comment</p>
This is multi-line comment
and it's visible
ONLY in code.
<p>Random text BELOW the comment</p>


Results on the screen are the same: Comments are not shown

